Sent: Wed 7/11/2007 14:55
We are happy to see the Felzien web site up
and operating and would like to extend our thanks to those who have
taken the time and effort to put this all together.
have the story of the immigration of the Adam Felzien line into
Canada. We will get that sent to [the genealogy committee] to
include in the web site information.
Irvin 01226 & Charlotte Felzien
(icfelz@telusplanet. net)
Camrose, Alberta, Canada T4V
Sent: Tue 12/21/2004 17:34
Hi there! Great to see a Felzien gathering web site. For a
while now I have wanted to add a special section to my site
(yes, I own for
Felzien family visitors but just haven't gotten around to it. Do you
mind if I link to your site? I hope to see more info on the family
history, especially after the family reached America. I know that
there are roughly two groups, one in the US and one in Canada. My
family is largely from Kansas.
God Bless and keep up the good work!
Jeff Felzien